Lighted Cigar Display: The interior is lit by integrated LED spotlights, with Spanish cedar drawers that have unique clear windows to let you easily scan the shelf to see what's inside.
150-Cigar Capacity: This cigar cabinet features 3 larger cigar drawers with handles for up to 150 sticks. Each drawer measures 8 1/4” by 7 1/4” and 3 1/2”, fit for most electric cigar humidifiers like Cigar Oasis and Humidicup.
Accurate Humidity Control: The digital thermo-hygrometer reads humidity and temperature with high precision, more reliable than analog ones, with crystal gel humidifiers providing a slow and steady release of moisture to keep humidity level properly.
Magnetic Seal: The magnetic Spanish cedar-lined door makes the humidor tightly sealed to ensure your fine cigars can keep their freshness and aroma.
Local Pickup only. New in open package.
150-Cigar Capacity: This cigar cabinet features 3 larger cigar drawers with handles for up to 150 sticks. Each drawer measures 8 1/4” by 7 1/4” and 3 1/2”, fit for most electric cigar humidifiers like Cigar Oasis and Humidicup.
Accurate Humidity Control: The digital thermo-hygrometer reads humidity and temperature with high precision, more reliable than analog ones, with crystal gel humidifiers providing a slow and steady release of moisture to keep humidity level properly.
Magnetic Seal: The magnetic Spanish cedar-lined door makes the humidor tightly sealed to ensure your fine cigars can keep their freshness and aroma.
Local Pickup only. New in open package.
- Condition: New Other
- Notes: Local Pickup only. New in open package.
- SKU: 144735-6510
- Part Number: GHUO-30