Shadows and Rose Book
Shadows and Rose BookShadows and Rose Book
I will follow you to hell.You will never control any treasure and your army is dead where they stand.I promise you I will reach down from the heavens and take each of their lives.

Imagine for a moment you are skiing downhill racing ahead of an avalanche, your chest is pounding, pulse racing.That is what you will experience reading this story as the momentum builds, and your heart beats faster and faster.You will be absorbed into the lives of the characters, becoming a part of the action even after the ending.There are struggles between honor and greed, right and wrong, battlefields are soaked crimson over them.It makes you think and question 'What if?' due to the possibilities and theories contained within.It is purely fictional though based on a trilogy of poems I wrote.

While hiking in Europe, Christian finds a unique rock formation resembling a rose hidden in shadows.While camping in the shadows, Christian hears the voice of a ghost telling a magnificent tale of times long past. The voice of Sir Rowan Baldin of the Knights Templar, born out of the aftermath of the Templar purge in France 600 years prior.Rowan's lineage managed to escape the purge to what is now known as Switzerland.There they helped shape a country while protecting their Templar roots in absolute secrecy.Rowan uses dreams and leads Christian on a fast paced adventure throughout Europe.Christian stumbles onto a number of remarkable discoveries, and is knighted by the modern day Templars he uncovers on his quest. Christian finds who he was meant to be.The Templars, these once 'warrior monks' are brought out of the shadows, and their reputation redeemed as their real story is told.

This is my first novel.
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